Who are we?


First and foremost, we are nature lovers. We love nature and all that lives in it. We therefore do our best to keep that nature free of pollution as much as possible. Both ecologically and visually or aurally. Le Boach is a very reserved place where nature and its inhabitants can take their course. Together with other owners here in the region, we maintain a 'no hunting' policy. As a result, there is a lot of wild life here that is not particularly afraid of humans. No more than is normal for wild animals. We are no danger to them and that is a gift we want to respect and preserve at all costs.


We are convinced that every living being, animal as well as vegetable, has an equal place in the whole that makes up life. Each part has a role to play in it without one being more important than the other, without one taking precedence over the other. We therefore feel privileged to take care of this rather exclusive, beautiful and pure place. A place, such as there are not really many of in our rather densely populated part of the world, and nevertheless offering the comfort of what a 'modern' man may think he needs as utilities.


We therefore invite our visitors to disconnect, to enjoy that peace and quiet that is hard to find in everyday, often urban life... We are in a 'white zone', which means that mobile phone reception is 0 here. So even on an invisible level, we are immune from pollution here for now. No electro-smog here for now. For organisational and logistical reasons, we obviously have no choice but to ensure a minimum of accessibility, and we certainly don't want to deny ourselves and our visitors that. We have internet connection via parabola and make it accessible via Wi-Fi and telephone at the reception desk. Times and access codes will be communicated on arrival.  We cannot do more than just invite you all to take a step back from everyday life and enjoy what this oasis of peace and tranquillity has to offer you and what it can trigger in each of you. 


We are already looking forward to meeting you and hope that the beautiful energy of this place may touch, inspire and do you as much good as it does to us. 


Welcome to Lô Boach!

The team